Calgary’s population is getting older. Seniors currently comprise 10% of Calgary’s population. This will increase to 20% by 2026. Unfortunately, most houses are designed for healthy young families. As a result, they are often ill-suited for the specific needs of older people and can be difficult, isolating, and even dangerous places for seniors to live. Many of these people end up having to move into dependent living facilities before it is medically necessary. Research indicates that 20-50% of older individuals currently waiting for beds could continue to live in the community if an appropriate independent housing option were available.
To meet this challenge, an interdisciplinary research team at the University of Calgary led by Professor John Brown is developing an innovative aging-in-place laneway housing option.
University of Calgary, Faculty of Environmental Design
The Master in Environmental Design (MEDes) is an innovative thesis-based degree program offered by the Faculty of Environmental Design (EVDS).
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