Residential Rebates for Alberta’s Homeowners
By Alberta Real Estate Association
By Pembina Institute

Homeowners in Alberta are becoming more conscious of the value of energy efficiency, and because of this, buyers and sellers alike are adding home efficiency upgrades and deficiencies to their “must have” or “to do” list. With funding from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, AREA, in partnership with the Pembina Institute, wants to empower Alberta’s REALTORS® by providing them with information that can enrich client relationships during Alberta’s energy transition. REALTORS® have a unique opportunity to add value to their services by educating their clients on the current energy efficiency features of a property and assisting them in identifying energy efficiency opportunities. This series of tools and resources is designed to help REALTORS® educate themselves on, and market themselves to clients who are actively interested in residential energy efficiency, as well as assist in marketing properties to energy-conscious buyers.

Alberta Real Estate Association
As the professional provincial body, the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) represents the interests and concerns of more than 12,500+ Alberta REALTORS®, from the 10 local real estate Board/Associations. We provide strategic leadership and advance the Alberta real estate profession through member-centric services, advocacy and professional development.

Pembina Institute
The Pembina Institute is working to solve today’s greatest energy challenges — reducing the harmful impacts of fossil fuels while supporting the transition to an energy system that is clean, safe and sustains a high quality of life.