Enabling Housing Choice in Northern Alberta Communities


This project aims to drive long-term policy change in Alberta’s rural real estate industry by addressing the policy, bylaw, and process barriers faced by realtors, housing developers, and municipalities.

Recognizing the need for equipping municipalities with the proper research, tools and guidance for amending/updating potentially restrictive zoning bylaws, this project will enable partner communities to take positive steps forward on adopting permissive zoning bylaws that accommodate a greater diversity of housing types to meet their residents’ needs. Additionally, this work builds on the research from the original Enabling Housing Choice (EHC) project, addressing challenges in northern Alberta and supporting efforts to create a wider variety of housing options in rural communities.

Amount Funded


Year Funded


Funding Priority

Built Environment: Understand and improve the sustainability and livability of the physical and social aspects of our human-made environment.


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Rural Development Network

We support rural sustainability by filling gaps in service and avoiding unnecessary duplication of services. To accurately identify social issues and find effective solutions for them, we listen to hear and understand each community’s needs and develop solutions in partnership with them. Each solution is tailored to reflect the uniqueness of the residents for whom it was created.