Changing Our Community Through Story

By capturing, analyzing, better understanding and then translating the story of the new 45-unit home called Inclusio, Accessible Housing will be better positioned to share their learning with government funders and policymakers, corporate partners, and community organizations. The intention of this initiative is to combine the documentation of key learnings with employee learning and development opportunities, and to ensure these employees have the skills, knowledge, and tools required to share this story with other communities. When well-shared, this story will inspire others to create similar developments in Alberta.

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Funding Priority

Built Environment: Understand and improve the sustainability and livability of the physical and social aspects of our human-made environment.


Logo for Accessible Housing Society on a transparent background

Accessible Housing Society

Helping people with limited mobility since 1974. It all began in the 1970’s with the Fourth Dimension group home, Calgary’s first shared living accommodation for 12 people with spinal cord injuries. It was believed that this building would allow people with disabilities to be seen in a new dimension, hence the “Fourth Dimension” name. That dream has since grown.