Building Community Resilience Together

After the devastating wildfires, Wood Buffalo (WB) has the opportunity to implement a process to build a more resilient community. This requires a community engagement process, to ensure ownership by the community. This proposal therefore, falls under the Community Innovation area and, aims at utilizing a strategic, comprehensive and innovative approach/tool – The WB Strategy Roadmap – to better understand the challenges facing the community and identify priority areas for the community’s recovery effort.

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Funding Priority

Real Estate Leadership: Build and elevate the capacity of real estate and related professionals to keep pace with the massive changes facing the real estate industry today and into the future.


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FuseSocial formed in 2013 with the merging of three philosophically and practically like-minded organizations: Leadership Wood Buffalo, Nonprofit Sector Link Wood Buffalo, and Volunteer Wood Buffalo. By forming one agency, FuseSocial could begin to familiarize collective impact, collaboration and social innovation while continuing to deliver our great programs.